The Gino Marotta Archive carries out a systematic study on all documentation available for the archiving, cataloguing and authentication of the work of the artist in view of the publication of the Catalogue Raisonné.

It is also in the interest of collectors that cataloguing and filing take place in the shortest possible times. For this reason we invite anyone possessing works by Gino Marotta to make contact with the Archive and to provide the relevant documentation (a photograph of the front of the work, one of the back and photos of details like the signature, annotations and labels if present, title, year, dimensions, technique, history, possible authentication, etc.) for correct cataloguing and archiving of the work.

Anyone who has a work already authenticated can ask the Archive, free of charge, for confirmation of the authentication, both for official filing and in view of the publication of the Catalogue Raisonné and other publishing initiatives.

To start an application for authentication of a work, in this first period, it will be enough to simply send data and digital photos relating to the work to our email address. The Gino Marotta Archive will get in touch with the applicant to indicate the procedure for Application for Authentication.

The Archive is also interested in receiving any kind of information, personal memories, letters, photos and documentation regarding the artist’s life and work.


The Archive guarantees confidential treatment of personal data and undertakes not to furnish them to third parties, except with the approval of the entitled person or persons.






The Committee

for Authentication:



Isa Francavilla Marotta


Carlo Francavilla


Lorenzo Canova

Laura Cherubini

Nicola Spezzano




©Archivio Gino Marotta ● Via Agostino Bertani, 8 - 00153 Roma (RM) ● C.F. 96423520582



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